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People here call me Dawn. Common enough of an English name, really, but it’s a translation of my given name. New beginnings, new chances, my mother told me. That’s what she wants me to remember. 


Always find where the sun shines and bask in it, take flight from it.


Maybe names do hold some power to the person you become, because I end up getting bad seasonal depression. But more so than that is the unfailing optimism that comes with it. It’s going to be better tomorrow, right? In 48 hours I’ll get through all these things and as long as I’m not dead there is hope that things can be better. 


And because things can be better, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m greedy, even if not materialistically. I want to be better, I want to be the best, I want everything the world has to offer. My only strength is that I am a fast learner. How could I not believe that I am capable of everything when most things come to me so easily? I write because it is the only thing I can be content with with no marker of goodness. And perhaps that’s where Confessions of a Creator came from, the fever dream fantasy of being able to hold onto something that is truly mine, and realising that is not how life works.


Maybe. I don’t actually remember writing it. I remember finding it there a few days later, and I was definitely not drunk because I’m allergic to alcohol. So who knows really. For all I know an alien might have abducted me and implanted those memories in my mind.


At the end of the day people like the sunrise and being hopeful is nice. I still can’t do single digit arithmetics without counting on my fingers and sometimes even then, so how invincible can I really be? An about me page is supposed to tell you some motivations about my reasoning behind my work, some sort of intentionality, and perhaps then it’s ironic how much I dislike the idea that something has to have some inherent bigger meaning. 


My life is pretty simple, happy and mundane, really. I’m a cognitive science and linguistics double major and a writing and computer science double minor. I'm part of some theater groups on campus and I like cats. About the site/ project, I think it’s best for you to figure it out yourself anyway :)

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